Ages 8-11

Fuzzy, by Tom Angleberger
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Fuzzy, by Tom Angleberger

Maxine Zelaster (aka Max) attends seventh grade at Vanguard One Middle School.  Students at Vanguard must pass weekly tests in each subject as a mandate of the Federal School Board’s Constant UpGrade program.  They must also follow a very strict conduct code or incur discipline tags (dtags) and citizenship infractions which decrease their cumulative scores. …

Don't Talk to Me about the War, by David Adler
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Don’t Talk to me About the War, by David Adler

The year is 1940.  Growing up in the Bronx, thirteen-year-old Tommy Duncan divides his time between school, friends, and family.  He listens to Brooklyn Dodgers games on the radio, plays stickball after school, and worries about his mother’s declining health.  He doesn’t share his friend Beth’s fascination about the war in Europe.  The war is…

Danger Guys, by Tony Abbott
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The Danger Guys series, by Tony Abbott

Noodle really likes waffles, but he likes his best friend, Zeek, more than he likes waffles.  And, Noodle and Zeek absolutely love danger.  Which is good, because they always seem to find it…danger that is.  They make a great team.  Noodle has all the ideas, and Zeek provides the muscle. Book 1: Danger Guys Noodle…

Sing Down the Moon, by Scott O’Dell
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Sing Down the Moon, by Scott O’Dell

When spring waters flow into the river, and everything in Canyon de Chelly comes alive, Bright Morning wants to shout for joy.  She restrains herself because such joyous emotions anger the gods.  Her brother was killed by lightning because of his pride over killing a six-point buck.  With the return of the grass, Bright Morning…

The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, by Julie Andrews
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The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles, by Julie Edwards

One day Ben, Tom and Lindy Potter go to the zoo.  As they discuss the unusual animals, a strange little man interrupts and asks if they’ve ever seen a Whangdoodle.  Of course, they have not.  That night, Tom looks in the dictionary and learns that Whangdoodles are mythical creatures.   A few days later, while trick-or-treating,…