Ages 8-11

Kokopelli’s Flute, by Will Hobbs
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Kokopelli’s Flute, by Will Hobbs

Tepary Jones goes to Picture House, an Anasazi ruin, to watch the lunar eclipse.  His vigil is interrupted by pothunters desecrating a medicine man’s grave.  Tepary scares them away with burning tumbleweed and finds the eagle-bone flute they dropped during their escape.  Tep plays the flute while a bushy-tailed woodrat watches him.  Later, at home,…

Origami Yoda series, by Tom Angleberger
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Origami Yoda series, by Tom Angleberger

In Tom Angleberger’s series, Origami Yoda, the force arrives at McQuarrie Middle School and begins the battle against the dark side of social ineptitude and mandated state testing. If you can’t believe that paper folded into famous Star Wars characters can start a resistance movement against middle school injustices, think again.  Read the series and…