
Don't Throw It to Mo!, by David Adler
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Mo Jackson Sports series, by David Adler

To say that Mo Jackson loves sports is an understatement!  Unfortunately, Mo isn’t the best player on his football, baseball, basketball, or soccer team.  He’s not the strongest swimmer or runner. His lack of stature and skills keep him on the bench, but one thing Mo doesn’t lack is enthusiasm.  Nothing can crush Mo’s spirit….

The Flip Side, by Shawn Johnson
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The Flip Side, by Shawn Johnson

When six-year-old Charlie Ryland is invited to her gym’s TOPs team (Talent Opportunity Program), gymnastics becomes her life.  TOPs provides the U. S. Gymnastics Association a way to identify promising talent in kids between ages seven and ten.  When she turns eight, Charlie’s mother starts home schooling her so she can spend more time training. …